Original Music and Arrangements for
Concert Band, Choral Groups and String Orchestra -
Music Transcription and Songwriting -
And More

soli Deo gloria

About Salt Cellar Creations

About Salt Cellar Creations

It's come a long way since the days in the cellar!

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About Me

About Me

The man behind the music.

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No one can. I can do a lot of things - concert band and chorus, rock, blues, folk, "praise and worship", etc. But if you're looking for house or rap, there are others who do it better. Just as with any art form, there are those who specialize in a range of styles. Van Gogh wasn't a cubist; the Beatles did a lot of styles, but not opera or big band. You get the idea.
Professional Work isn't Cheap
Cheap Work isn't Professional

Charges for Arranging, Transcribing and Writing Original Pieces are all based on a number of things.
1. The number of minutes in a piece. Only the minutes I write are counted. If a section is repeated, the repeated music doesn't count. Also, if I can use certain sections in a number of places, the cost is reduced even more.
2. The density of the measures. Density means if there are lots of notes or not so many. It also refers to the sophistication of the chords (augmented, diminished, etc.)
3. The number of lines of music. That is, are there just a melody line with lyrics and chords, a string quintet or a full concert band?
4. The number of lines of lyrics.
5. Whether guitar chords are included.

There are a number of things to consider when determining the cost of a song.

1. What are the skill levels of the singers and accompanists? If they are competent beginners, the arrangement would be simpler, often using unison parts. If they are more advanced, the parts would be different and be more complex.
2. Does the arrangement include a piano/keys part with written notation? There are all sorts of keyboard players, and so, some choices for keyboard parts. I can write a part (simple or advanced) or the keys player could simply play from the guitar part as many do. That would reduce the number of lines that you would pay for.
3. How many different horn/string parts would sound good? If you had a dozen players all playing the same part, that would be a bit overpowering. A dozen players could be divided into two to four parts, depending on the song and the style you want.
4. How long is the song? Cost is determined by the length of newly written material in the song. If all the verses and chorus are virtually identical, then I would charge just for the first time I wrote them, not for any copy and pasting I did.

The only way to get a solid answer is to Contact Me for a proper quote.

Also, I can offer “bulk discounts” if you order three or more songs at the same time. The discount would be from 10% to 40%, depending on the particulars of the song.
The melody would be one line; the lyrics another and the guitar chords are the third. The cost would be calculated based on three lines times the number of minutes. Remember, you only pay once for music that is between repeat signs.

See Pricing Examples page under Transcribing.
If I (Salt Cellar Creations) Compose a song or other piece of music for you, you don't need any permission. However, under United States copyright law, the composer retains all copyright ownership, even though you may have commissioned the piece.

If I Arrange a song or other piece of music written by someone else for you, there are a number of things to consider. The Bible says something about not stealing, so, YES, before I arrange a song for you that someone else has written, the FIRST thing that would need to be done is to see if anyone holds the copyright. The exception is that the song is in the public domain, that is, if the copyright has expired or there never was one (think Bach or Beethoven).

If I Arrange a piece the simplest thing for me to do is to check to see if it’s been approved for arranging. I work through an arrangement and marketing platform called ArrangeMe that takes care of all the copyright paperwork as part of their services. Once I finished the piece, I would upload it to them and you could buy it at a reasonable retail price. That would mean that other people could buy and perform the song as well; it would give you no exclusive rights.
If, for some reason, the song is not in the ArrangeMe catalog, which currently has over five million title, I can still arrange it, but it will take more work. We can try to contact the owner of the copyright and suggest that they submit it to ArrangeMe  to use. Sometimes that works. If not, then the first thing that MUST be done is to acquire a Permission to Arrange from the composer.
  • If someone still holds a song’s copyright, permission must be obtained. Otherwise, you, I or both could be fined HEAVILY, or even imprisoned.
  • If the song is in the public Domain, that is, no one holds the copyright, I can arrange it as long as we give credit to the original composer(s).
If you choose one of the above-mentioned methods to have me arrange a song, you can do the work yourself (it isn't that difficult) or I can for a fee, usually $50 plus the cost of the permission, which may be $100 or more. You would also need to be sure that you pay for performance rights. That would be ASCAP, BMI, CCLI, etc. Check with someone in your organization.

Salt Cellar Creations will be happy to help you determine if you need permission and how to start the process if you'd like to do it yourself, at no cost as long as Salt cellar will be the one doing the arranging.

Some places to look are
  • Hal Leonard, Inc - www.halleonard.com/licensing/index.action
  • ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers - https://www.ascap.com/
  • BMI (Broadcast Music Inc.) - https://www.bmi.com/
  • Capitol Christian Music Group - https://www.capitolcmgpublishing.com/
  • Music Services - https://www.musicservices.org/
PLEASE allow yourself enough time to complete this process. It may take from several days to several weeks.
The more you provide for me, the better the results would be. If I have to look a bunch of stuff up for you, I would have to charge for the time. I would need to know
  • The name of the piece, plus anything in parentheses or some alternate title.
  • The composers, of music and lyrics (if any). Please DON’T tell me who recorded it.
  • The copyright information, often found at the bottom of the sheet music, fake chart, etc. It will be preceded by the famous © symbol.
  • The name of the group that would be performing it. You could simply list Anytown High School or First Church of Anytown. If you want to RECORD the song, we need to do something entirely different. This is just for performance. (Churches, if you broadcast the music part of your services, you may want to check on permissions and/or licensing for that.)
  • The person responsible for the ensemble. Churches, if it’s a paid position, use that person’s name. If not, the Head Pastor’s name will do.
  • The instruments involved, including voices (especially if there’s a harmony to be written) and how many you have in your ensemble. If it varies, give a good estimate. I think they want to know the general size of the ensemble.
> You can upload a recording (it doesn't have to be great) to YouTube or Sound Cloud.
> You can e-mail an attachment of an MP3, WMA or WAV file.
> You can send by e-mail or snail mail: 
  • CD (or even a cassette)
  • The lyrics
  • A set of possible/recommended chords            OR
  • In the case of an arrangement, a copy of whatever sheet music you  have
> Of course, if you're local, you can always drop by the studio and sing it for me live.
> There may be another option I haven't thought of.
An e-mail attachment is good. PLEASE don't use the "Contact Me" form. That's just for an initial contact.

Snail mail is also fine. But, PLEASE be sure that I can read it. I know that a lot of artistic people (me included) express themselves best with pen and paper, but I want to express what you really want to say, not what I misinterpret your handwriting to mean.

If you have a great idea for a song, please include as much information as you can so I can make it as personal as possible.
The length of time it takes to complete a project depends on the length and complexity of the music. A transcription of your new song from a recording that includes melody, lyrics and guitar chords could take less than a week to complete. If the same song included a piano part that was more than just chords (a real piano accompaniment), it would take somewhat longer. It also depends on how many people have submitted projects ahead of you.

The bottom line is that, even though I use a computer to do the work, it is a creative human endeavor and takes a while.
  • If you want me to transcribe a song for you, I'll need an audio copy of it. 
  • Your desired instrumentation and style (“sounds like”)
  • Who’s going to be playing it (skill level)
  • Do you need a track?
See the Pricing Examples for a better idea of what might be needed.
It may be possible if the music is in a generally accepted form (a hymn or other standard song).

Unfortunately, I cannot simply overlay an extra instrument part on top of your lead sheets. I have discovered that there are many varieties of each song. I would have to do a standardized arrangement. I would have to make sure that the key that the arrangement is in is playable by the instrument you want to add. For example, if you're playing a song on guitar in the key of G and have simply slid your capo to the fourth fret, you are in the real key of B. That's not going to work.

Please Contact Me for a more detailed explanation.
Yes, indeed. I can do small wind or string instruments or ensembles. I can do organ, with or without pedals. Some ensembles have both piano and organ/keyboard; I can do an arrangement in which each instrument adds its own color and texture. It would give the effect of having a small orchestra since each instrument would be playing its own part.
These days, there are as many different styles of recording as there are musical styles. I primarily do live recordings, computer-created recording (Finale PrintMusic Playback) and a combination of the two. I play a number of instruments including guitar (acoustic and electric), keyboard, electric bass, acoustic drums, trumpet, recorder and sundry rhythm instruments. I have some semi-programmable drum sequences. My rig is 24-track digital recorder, an assortment of effects devices (including a vintage spring reverb), and an array of mics.

My recording technique fits a LOT of styles. However, there have been a few potential clients that looked elsewhere for their recording needs. Remember, we all have our special abilities. Keep an eye open on the website; I'll be including more samples of my work as time goes by.
Yes, conditionally. My aim is to work with your music so that will be completely satisfied with the result, but, as with any endeavor, there are limitations. To begin with, for any project, you will be given a representative sample of the project. If you are a first-time client and have an issue with it, l will do my best to correct it. If it is "un-correctable", then we can call it a learning experience, it won't cost you any more and you will be free to find another arranger/writer.
There is usually a down payment for any project; that would be non-refundable.

If I can correct it, we will proceed. Once a step has been approved, it cannot be changed.

If you are a repeat customer, I will assume that you liked what I did for you before, and the restrictions on the guarantee will be tighter.
Salt Cellar Creations can provide printed versions of any of its original and public domain pieces. Contact Me to get started. The cost would include the price of the printing itself (much lower than you might expect), the cost of shipping and a 5% or $10 service fee, whichever is less.


Songwriters, I will write your song in proper music form. Send it to me as a recording, with or without your "notes".


Arrange vocals, keyboard, horns, strings, etc. to make your song sound its best.

Composition / Song Writing

I will take your great idea for a song, band, choral or orchestra piece and custom craft it to make it a reality.


I can record your song, with vocals or solo instrument, or as a back-up track.


Good deals when I do more than one service at a time.

Ralph Meyer, Western Reserve Community Band

Old Warsh Rag was a perfect piece for us to learn and perform. We recommend it for any ensemble that would like to program that style.

Rebecca Crimmins - Church in Asheville

John Daniels has been …an incredible asset. John’s work has streamlined the entire process… … made it fun once again to try new music.

Mountain Top Polka Band, Asheville, NC

John Daniels is awesome! John at Salt Cellar provided us with a professional atmosphere...

Heather J. Altimira

My uncle, John Daniels wrote Lucas and I a song for our wedding and it's absolutely beautiful. We will cherish it forever!!!

Prof. Pete Wolford, Church Organist, Choir Director

John does excellent work. He has that unique and gifted ability to take an idea and mold it into a meaningful and artistic musical creation.

(You Are) My Greatest Adventure

A Personalized Wedding Song

Each Other's Rock

A Personalized Anniversay Song

I'm So Tired of Living This Way

Transcription is important if you want to communicate the music to others.

©2021 Dennis Corn

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Concert Band Introduction image
A Concert Band is a truly unique type of ensemble, combining many of the instruments of a marching band with the more classical sound of a symphony orchestra. And it can be tough to find good music for such an ensemble.

Here's how to go directly to the Concert Band Main Page where you can review and purchase the music.

As a result of the years of successfully Composing creative new music for a wide variety of bands, Salt Cellar Creations has a broad knowledge of what it takes to compose and arrange for Concert Bands and our growing catalog of music reflects that expertise. Many of the pieces are Original Compositions, written with the structure of many current concert bands in mind, whether high school, homeschool, college, or community.

Others are Arrangements of classic rock and pop tunes. This type of music is chosen for its artfulness, rather than simple popularity. These pieces have shown great staying power through the years.

Although playing familiar pieces is more comfortable for many conductors and band musicians, it is important that Concert Bands try new music, whether an original composition or a new arrangement of an old song.

Playing new and original music helps to foster a sense of adventure in the world of music. Also, performing new and original music challenges musicians to explore unfamiliar musical territory, enhancing their skills and pushing them beyond their comfort zones. Engaging in the creation and performance of original music also can be seen as a reflection of God's gift of creativity.
You probably have a few questions about Salt Cellar’s Concert band music. Let’s answer some of them here:
  • –  What if the music you offer doesn’t have the instrumentation that I need?
  • – Just contact us and we’ll get the extra instrument parts that you need. Generally, that service is free. There may be a small fee if the part is for an exotic instrument.
Q. – What if I need the music in another key?
A. – Again, contact us and it’s no problem to change keys for the whole piece. That service is also free. Remember that Salt Cellar has researched the best keys for Concert bands and has matched the key used in the music to the target skill level of the piece.

Q. – Does it cost anything to make a suggestion of a piece of music for you to arrange?
A. – NO! PLEASE make suggestions. It’s difficult to guess what band directors are looking for. You may make other suggestions as to its instrumentation and style. Otherwise, I will let my imagination run rampant.

Q. – Can you compose a special arrangement just for my band?
A. – We can do that in one of two ways.
  • The first way is for us to do a truly commissioned piece. It will be composed with your band as its target skill level, with the type of music you’re looking for, and, most importantly, your band will be the only one to be able to play it; it will not be for sale to any other band. The cost for this can range from several hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, depending on the length of the piece and its complexity.
  • The second way is much more affordable. We can write a piece with your band and your style generally in mind. We call this a suggested piece. We can offer it to you first and then wait an agreed upon length of time before we offer it for sale, so that you will be the only one to play it for a certain competition or exposition. Then, we will offer it for sale like any other piece of music. The cost will only be a little more than three times the regular Concert Band music price. That way, I can help you get a sound more like you prefer, rather than my own ideas, at a cost that you can afford. The regular cost is between $45 and $65, so a suggested piece would be about $150 - $225.
Q. – How long would a commissioned or a suggested work take?
A. – There’s an old saying, “Good ain’t cheap and cheap ain’t good.” Again, the answer depends on the length of the piece and its complexity. It can take from six to eighteen months from the initiation of the work until the music has been completed and is ready to be given to the musicians to prepare for performance.

Go to the Concert Band Main Page to see our growing catalog.

In Excelsis Deo (Angels We Have Heard On High)

Arrangement - Easy Intermediate Difficulty

The classic Christmas carol with some interesting elements that packs a joyous punch

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Mary, Did You Know

By Mark Lowry, Buddy Greene - Early Intermediate Level

This arrangement maintains the simplicity and wonder of the original, and helps the listener to focus on the musings in Mary’s heart.

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Baroquen Carriage

Original Composition - Intermediate Difficulty

A brawny yet delightful piece.

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Bridge Over Troubled Water

by Paul Simon - Intermediate level

A stirring rendition of the Simon and Garfunkel classic with some interesting variations.

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Cantummit Waltz (For Small Band)

Original Composition - Easy Intermediate Difficulty

Suitable for a middle or high school or community band, or even a polka band.

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Carry Me Back to Old Killarney

Original Composition - Advanced Intermediate

A Celtic dance / march tune

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Classical Gas

by Mason Williams - Advanced Intermediate Difficulty

This exciting arrangement of Classical Gas has all of the dynamic and rhythmic energy of the original.

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The Hound of Heaven

Original Composition - Intermediate Difficulty

A wondrous display of a variety of musical color, seasoned with the unexpected.

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Humble Waltz (for Small Band)

Original Composition - Easy Intermediate Difficulty

Suitable for a middle or high school, community or polka band.

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Minuet in Four

by Petzold / Bach - Advanced Intermediate

Energetic Arrangement of Bach / Petzold "Minuet in G"

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Morning Star Serenade

Original Composition - Advanced Intermediate

An expression of a variety of emotions, displayed as an assortment of variations on a theme.

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The Old Warsh Rag

Original Composition - Intermediate Difficulty

A Fun Ragtime Tune in the style of Scott Joplin.

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Rockin' Rondo

Original Composition - Advanced Intermediate Difficulty

Classical Music Form with Rock Elements, suitable for high school, community or college band.

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by Ruthann Friedman - Easy Intermediate Difficulty

A fun arrangement with lots of character.

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Choral Music Introduction image
A Choral Ensemble is a truly unique type of ensemble, often combining the sound of a piano or other instruments with those of resounding voices, and sometimes freeing the voices to be their own accompaniment. Often, it can be tough to find good music for such an ensemble.

Here's how to go directly to the Choral Music Main Page where you can review and purchase the music.

As a result of the years of successfully Composing creative new music for a wide variety of vocal groups, Salt Cellar Creations has a broad knowledge of what it takes to compose and arrange for Choral Groups and our growing catalog of music reflects that expertise. Many of the pieces are Original Compositions, most often written for SATB groups, whether high school, homeschool, college, or community. Of course, other combinations of voices can be arranged. If you don’t see what you need, just Contact Us.

Others are Arrangements of classic rock, pop and Christian songs. This type of music is chosen for its artfulness, rather than simple popularity. These pieces have shown great staying power through the years.

Although singing familiar music is more comfortable for many directors and singers, it is important that Choral Groups try new music, whether an original composition or a new arrangement of an old song.
Singing new and original music helps to foster a sense of adventure in the world of music. Also, performing new and original music challenges musicians to explore unfamiliar musical territory, enhancing their skills and pushing them beyond their comfort zones. Engaging in the creation and performance of original music also can be seen as a reflection of God's gift of creativity.

You probably have a few questions about Salt Cellar’s Choral music. Let’s answer some of them here:
  • – What if the music you offer doesn’t have the vocal parts that I need?
  • – Just contact us and we’ll arrange for your ensemble. Often, that service is free. There may be a small fee if the arrangement requires writing totally new parts.
Q. – What if I need the music in another key?
A. – Again, contact us and it’s no problem to change keys for the whole piece. That service is also free. Remember that Salt Cellar has researched the best keys for Choral Ensembles and has matched the key used in the music to the target skill level of the piece.

Q. – Does it cost anything to make a suggestion of a song for you to arrange?
A. – NO. PLEASE make suggestions. It’s difficult to guess what choral directors are looking for. You may make other suggestions as to its voicing and style. Otherwise, I will let my imagination run rampant.

Q. – Can you compose a special piece just for my Choral Group?
A. – We can do that in one of two ways.
  • The first way is for us to do a truly commissioned piece. It will be composed with your Choral Group as its target skill level, with the type of music you’re looking for, and, most importantly, your Choral Ensemble will be the only one to be able to sing it; it will not be for sale to any other group. The cost for this can range from several hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, depending on the length of the piece and its complexity.
  • The second way is much more affordable. We can write a piece with your Choral Ensemble and your style generally in mind. We call this a suggested piece. We can offer it to you first and then wait an agreed upon length of time before we offer it for sale, so that you will be the only one to sing it for a certain competition or exposition. Then, we will offer it for sale like any other piece of music. The cost will only be a little more than three times the regular price for Choral Music. That way, I can help you get a sound more like you prefer, rather than my own ideas, at a cost that you can afford. The regular cost is between $2 and $3 each (with a minimum order of 10 copies), so a suggested piece would cost about $75 - $120.
Q. – How long would a commissioned or a suggested work take?
A. – There’s an old saying, “Good ain’t cheap and cheap ain’t good.” Again, the answer depends on the length of the piece and its complexity. It can take from six to twelve months from the initiation of the work until the music has been completed and is ready to be given to the musicians to prepare for performance.

Go to the Choral Music Main Page to see our growing catalog.

Celebrate Jesus, Celebrate Life - for SATB Choir

SATB - Intermediate Difficulty

An energetic celebration of Christmas with an invitation for others to join the celebration.

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Good King Wenceslas (The Mini Opera)

SATB - Easy Intermediate Difficulty

This is a fun arrangement that has been done as a “Mini Opera”. There are simple stage directions that come with the music.

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Silent Night (Song of Light)

SATB - Advanced Intermediate Difficulty

A shimmering, ethereal arrangement of the classic Christmas carol.

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A Thousand Years

SATB - Intermediate Difficulty

An arrangement of "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri with a touch of classical and jazz color.

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How Sweet the Sound

a Capella SATB - Intermediate Difficulty

Amazing Grace in an Appalachian music style

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If (by Bread)

SATB - Advanced Intermediate Difficulty

Luscious choral arrangement of one of David Gates' most popular songs.

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The Call (from "Prince Caspian")

SAB - Easy Intermediate Difficulty

Beautiful and haunting arrangement of the closing song from "Prince Caspian".

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Shower the People

SATB - Intermediate Difficulty

A simple yet beautiful choral arrangement of James Taylor's "Shower the People".

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He Who Would Valiant Be

SATB - Intermediate Difficulty

An arrangement of one of the songs from John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress".

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The Lord's Prayer - Sister Janet Mead

SATB - Intermediate Difficulty

This choral arrangement maintains the same power and joy as the original,.

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Now I See

SATB - Advanced Intermediate Difficulty

Amazing Grace in a jazzy, colorful 5/4 time.

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Psalm 23 - Timeless

SATB - Easy Intermediate Difficulty

Celtic Arrangement of the 23rd Psalm

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I'll Never Find Another You

SATB - Intermediate Difficulty

CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE DUE TO COPYRIGHT ISSUE “I’ll Never Find Another You” is a fun-to-sing folk-pop song from 1964, made popular by The Seekers.

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String Orchestra Introduction image
A String Orchestra is a truly unique type of ensemble, exhibiting the debonair sounds of a symphony orchestra without the added punch of brass or percussion. And it can be tough to find good music for such an ensemble.

Here's how to go directly to the String Orchestra Main Page where you can review and purchase the music.

As a result of the years of successfully composing creative new music for a wide variety of string ensembles, Salt Cellar Creations has a broad knowledge of what it takes to compose and arrange for String Orchestras and our growing catalog of music reflects that expertise. Most of the pieces are Original Compositions; some are written for four parts and some for five, whether for high school, homeschool, college, or community string orchestras.
Although playing familiar pieces is more comfortable for many conductors and band musicians, it is important that String Orchestras try new music, whether an original composition or a new arrangement of an old song.
Playing new and original music helps to foster a sense of adventure in the world of music. Also, performing new and original music challenges musicians to explore unfamiliar musical territory, enhancing their skills and pushing them beyond their comfort zones. Engaging in the creation and performance of original music also can be seen as a reflection of God's gift of creativity.
You probably have a few questions about Salt Cellar’s String Orchestra music. Let’s answer some of them here:
  • –  What if the music you offer doesn’t have the instrumentation that I need?
  • – Just contact us and we’ll get the extra instrument parts that you need. Generally, that service is free. There may be a small fee if a totally new part would need to be written.
Q. – What if I need the music in another key?
A. – Again, contact us and it’s no problem to change keys for the whole piece. That service is also free. Remember that Salt Cellar has researched the best keys for String Orchestras and has matched the key used in the music to the target skill level of the piece.

Q. – Does it cost anything to make a suggestion of a piece of music for you to arrange.
A. – NO! PLEASE make suggestions. It’s difficult to guess what string orchestra directors are looking for. You may make other suggestions as to its instrumentation and style. Otherwise, I will let my imagination run rampant.

Q. – Can you compose a special piece just for my string orchestra?
A. – We can do that in one of two ways.
  • The first way is for us to do a truly commissioned piece. It will be composed with your string orchestra as its target skill level, with the type of music you’re looking for, and, most importantly, your string orchestra will be the only one to be able to play it; it will not be for sale to any other group. The cost for this can range from several hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, depending on the length of the piece and its complexity.
  • The second way is much more affordable. We can write a piece with your string orchestra and your style generally in mind. We call this a suggested piece. We can offer it to you first and then wait an agreed upon length of time before we offer it for sale, so that you will be the only one to play it for a certain competition or exposition. Then, we will offer it for sale like any other piece of music. The cost will only be a little more than three times the regular String Orchestra music price. That way, I can help you get a sound more like you prefer, rather than my own ideas, at a cost that you can afford. The regular cost is between $25 and $45, so a suggested piece would be about $75 - $150.
Q. – How long would a commissioned or a suggested work take?
A. – There’s an old saying, “Good ain’t cheap and cheap ain’t good.” Again, the answer depends on the length of the piece and its complexity. It can take from six to eighteen months from the initiation of the work until the music has been completed and is ready to be given to the musicians to prepare for performance.

Go to the String Orchestra Main Page to see our growing catalog.

The Holly and the Ivy

Vln, Vln, Vla, Vcl, DB - Advanced Intermediate Difficulty

Celebrating the gift of eternal life at Christmas.

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Silent Night (Song of Light) for String Orchestra or Quintet

Vln, Vln, Vla, Vcl, DB - Advanced Intermediate Difficulty

Capturing Mary's thoughts and emotions

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A Royal Affinity

Vln, Vln, Vla, Vcl, DB - Intermediate Difficulty

Energetic Original Piece for String Orchestra

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The Awkward Marionette

Vln, Vln, Vla, Vcl, DB - Intermediate Difficulty

A quirky tune with lovely layers.

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Celebration (String Orchestra)

Vln, Vln, Vla, Vcl - Intermediate Difficulty

Stately piece to celebrate any occasion

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Dance at Sunrise

Vln, Vln, Vla, Vcl, DB - Advanced Intermediate Difficulty

A Delightful Dance to Celebrate a New Day

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Golden Morning

Vln, Vln, Vla, Vcl, DB - Intermediate Difficulty

A luscious string ensemble image of a glorious new morning

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Jewels and Treasures

Vln, Vln, Vla, Vcl - Advanced Intermediate Difficulty

Arrangement of an Original Piano Piece for String Orchestra.

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Pilgrim's Song

Vln, Vln, Vla, Vcl, DB - Advanced Intermediate Difficulty

String Arrangement of John Bunyan's song from "Pilgrim's Progress"

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A Royal Affinity - String Quartet

Vln, Vl, Vla, Vcl - Intermediate Difficulty

A Regal Piece for any Special Occasion, including a Concert

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Solo and Small Group  Introduction image
We’re pleased that you’ve chosen to explore the music available from Salt Cellar Creations for Soloists and Small Groups. To choose from the growing catalog, click HERE.

Salt Cellar Creations offers a growing library of music for soloists and small groups, with difficulty levels that range from Easy Intermediate to Advanced Intermediate. Currently, we have a limited number of pieces for Piano Solo, Flute and Recorder Duet, Trumpets, and one that is playable by a variety of instruments.

There are also a couple of pieces that are listed under Concert Band that could be played by a small wind ensemble. They are The Cantummit Waltz, and its companion piece, The Humble Waltz.

You probably have a few questions about Salt Cellar’s music for Solo and Small Groups:

Q. – What if the music you offer doesn’t have the parts that I need?
A. – Just contact us and we’ll arrange for your ensemble. Often, that service is free. There may be a small fee if the arrangement requires writing totally new parts.

Q. – What if I need the music in another key?
A. – Again, contact us and it’s no problem to change keys for the whole piece. That service is also free. Remember that Salt Cellar has researched the best keys for different musicians and has matched the key used in the music to the target skill level of the piece.

Q. – Can you compose a special piece just for me or my Small Group?
A. – We can do that in one of two ways.
  • The first way is for us to do a truly commissioned piece. It will be composed with you or your group as its target skill level, with the type of music you’re looking for, and, most importantly, you or your group will be the only one to be able to perform it. The cost for this can range from several hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, depending on the length of the piece and its complexity.
  • The second way is much more affordable. We can write a piece for you or your group with your style generally in mind. We can offer it to you first and then wait an agreed upon length of time before we offer it for sale, so that you will be the only one to use it for a certain competition or exposition. Then, we will offer it for sale like any other piece of music. The cost will be a small multiple of a normally priced piece. That way, I can help you get a sound more like you prefer at a cost that you can afford.
Q. – How long would a commissioned or a suggested work take?
A. – The answer depends on the length of the piece and its complexity. It can take from three to twelve months from the initiation of the work until the music has been completed.

Salt Cellar Creations reserves the right to refuse to do any arranging, composing, transcription or any other musical work that contradicts the morals and values held by the owner.

Go to the Solo and Small Groups Main Page to see our growing catalog.

Morning Joy - Violn Solo

Romantic Solo for Violin with Piano and/ or Guitar Accompaniment.

Solo and accompaniment parts are all intermediate difficulty level. The violin part covers two octaves and has just a few tricky skips.

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Morning Joy - Flute Solo

Stirring Solo for Flute with Piano and/ or Guitar Accompaniment.

Solo and accompaniment parts are all intermediate difficulty level. The solo part covers two octaves and has just a few tricky skips.

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Morning Joy - Oboe Solo

Inspiring Solo for Oboe with Piano and/ or Guitar Accompaniment.

Solo and accompaniment parts are all intermediate difficulty level. The solo part covers two octaves and has just a few tricky skips.

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Silent Night (Song of Light) - PIano Solo

Piano Solo offering a beautifully ethereal rendering of the classic Christmas carol. Advanced Intermediate Difficulty

Independent lines and innovative chords make this arrangement intriguingly beautiful.

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Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing - Flute abd Recorder Duet

Flute and Recorder Duet with Piano Accompaniment - Advanced Intermediate Difficulty

This arrangement maintains the dignity of the original while adding some classical elements.

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Fascination With You

A Mysteriously Romantic, Light Jazz Instrumental Solo with Piano Accompaniment - Intermediate Difficulty

This piece has been arranged for a Variety of Solo Instruments.

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Variations of the Doxology from "Come Together"

Piano arrangement of Jimmy Owens' classic Doxology - Easy Intermediate Difficulty

This arrangement is for an intermediate beginner pianist. It contains a number of intriguing variation techniques.

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Celebration - Trumpet Solo

A Stately Piece to Celebrate Any Occasion

Celebration was written for an advanced intermediate trumpet player.

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Ethereal Beauty - Trumpet Duet

An Exquisite and Potent Unaccompanied Trumpet Duet

Ethereal Beauty is written in the style of a Bach two-part invention, having no accompaniment. Advanced Intermediate, for its independent lines.

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Carpathian Swing - Clarinet Solo

A Gypsy-esque dance tune.

An energetic gypsy-style dance tune for Clarinet with Piano and/or/guitar accompaniment.

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Carpathian Swing - Alto Sax Solo

An impression of Gypsy dance music.

An energetic gypsy-style dance tune for Alto Sax with Piano and/or/guitar accompaniment.

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Carpathian Swing - Tenor Sax Solo

A misty reflection of Gypsy dance music.

A vivacious gypsy-like dance for Tenor Sax with Piano and/or guitar accompaniment.

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John Daniels was among the pioneers of Christian music in the 1970s when it was called Jesus Music, Christian Folk, or Jesus Rock. Then, it served a number of purposes. Christian music with a contemporary sound not only provided music for worship, but also for spiritual growth for believers (a musical sermon, if you like), and as a witnessing tool.

As a witnessing tool, the music was like a two-edged sword. One edge was for pointing out the emptiness of a life without Jesus. This was done through social comment songs and songs that allowed the listener to identify with the lost character in a song. The other edge provided a way for people to come to know Jesus as Savior and Lord.

Click to go directly to John's Main Page, with the recordings and sheet music.

All of John’s regular albums follow a similar pattern; they start with one sword’s edge that provides social comment and identification with a lost soul, then proceed with introducing the listener to Jesus. If you were to choose one of his songs at random, you might find one that sounds very non-Christian, even perhaps anti-Christian. These would include tunes like Maybe It’s Jesus from the album Missing Part, or Are We Having Fun Yet? from the Hold Onto Life album, or Tick Tock Man or Big God from the album The Story.

Among the rest of the tunes are songs that are prayers for various people, such as David, Class Reunion, Hold Onto Life, and Mary, Mary. There are also a number of “Sermons in a Song” that sometimes come down hard on the hypocrisy that some so-called Christians demonstrate; songs such as Who Loves You?, I Am a Locomotive, and Alexander. Others deal with things like racism in the song Samaritan, abortion in Most Dangerous Place, and standing strong in a public school, in the song Are You Courageous?.

During his time touring and singing, John played in Christian and secular coffeehouses and other venues along the east coast of the US and appeared on a number of TV shows as well as having his music played on various radio stations.

The style is enigmatic and eclectic. That means that no one has been able to nail it down. A common conversation between John and patrons at a coffeehouse or youth concert involved someone asking him, “What kind of music do you play?” To which he would often answer, “I’ll tell you what, when I’m done, you let me know.” After the concert, the person or persons with the question would come back to tell John, “I don’t know what kind it was. It sounded a little like this person or that. But, whatever it is, I like it.”

Click to see More Pics of John

Bag of Bones

What is Life Like? Here's a silly/serious look at that question.

Nice Guy

"Nice Guy" is being sung by an imaginary character who is expressing his selfish, misguided philosophy of life to his girlfriend.

Maybe It's Jesus

"Maybe It's Jesus" is a "back-door" approach to presenting the Good News about Jesus.

Missing Part

Classic Jesus Music Song - John's Testimony


Are we really too busy or do we have our priorities wrong?

Class Reunion

A rock and roll prayer for the the greatest, most phenomenal high school senior class I’ve ever been in.


This song is a simple prayer for a young man whom I had the pleasure of knowing.

Who Loves You?

A simple comparison between hypocritical church-goers and the true love and salvation that Jesus offers.

Without You Blues

The Without You Blues is a street level sort of praise song that compares nasty things to life without Jesus as the Savior of the singer’s life.

Are We Having Fun Yet?

More than just a song about being stupid.

Hold Onto Life

An energetic keyboard-led song, inviting people to cling to life, one of God’s great gifts.

Escape From Death Row

The account of the crucifixion of Jesus presented in a more contemporary way.

Racetrack Rabbit

An energetic, 1960s style blues-rock interpretation of the apostle Paul’s battle with the flesh and the way to victory over it.

Daddy is Not a Bad Word

Some people’s view of God as Heavenly Father is distorted because their earthly father has been a bad example of what a father should be.

Most Dangerous Place

It's said that the most dangerous place in America is a mother's womb.

Joy Ride

True Story about how God sent angels to save Barry and Me.


A story about Alexander the Great and a young fighter in his army.

One True Love Song

An easy-going piano led song, inviting people to leave their failed past behind and follow Jesus.

Tick Tock Man

A look at life, bad news and good news.

Peter's Reply

A simple recount of what Peter said when Jesus asked if the disciples would leave Him, too.

I Am a Locomotive

A silly / serious Encouragement to Christians to Wakt the Talk

Celebrate Jesus (Celebrate Life)

Christmas Song Celebrating the Incarnation

"God has put on skin and bones and come to walk around".

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God is The Answer

Rock song with a simple message - God is The Answer

When My Alien Comes

A Very Unique Song About Jesus' Return

It's Getting Late (Tempus Fugit)

An examination of current affairs and Jesus' second coming

Lord, I Need You

Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)

Good, Good Father

Shout to the Lord

Days of Elijah

  • 15 Prospect St, Asheville, NC, USA

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I'd love to hear what you have to say about Salt Cellar Creations. Did you like one of the finished compositions or arrangements from the Store? Did I do a custom arrangement, composition or recording service for you? Let me know how I did.

Since this will be part of my website (not a review forum) I may not publish everything you say, but I will respond to your review. Thanks so much.

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